I am trying to assemble a module containing a function of http/https request based on the URL informed, but in the main module I get no output.
get js.
const https = require('https')
const http = require('http')
async function makeRequest(url) {
var agent = (url.includes("https")) ? https : http
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var body = ''
const req = agent
.get(url, (res) => {
res.on('data', (data) => {
body += data
module.exports.makeRequest = makeRequest
index js.
const get = require('./get')
async function pegarDados() {
var resp = await get.makeRequest('http://brasil.io/api/dataset/covid19/caso/data/?city=Ribeir%C3%A3o+Preto&format=json&is_last=True&state=SP')
The schematics are correct?
@Rafaeltavares then, without using async I even managed... but this way I’m trying not to go.. I wanted to understand the reason why...
– Paulo Rogério
The answer to the other question uses
, nayhttp.get()
– Rafael Tavares
I managed using the request method instead of get.
– Paulo Rogério