C# service installer with custom actions


Viewed 211 times


I’m doing a service in C#, and I want to create an installer. I followed some tutorials, and found the setup of Visual Studio kind of basic.

Any suggestions on how to make a beautiful installer with Visual Studio?

  • Just use the WIX. https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/b6868002-9770-4479-80a7-259de34df527?SRC=VSIDE Here’s a tutorial I wrote here http://blogdoquintal.net/2015/01/criando-um-instalador-parawindows-service-com-Wix/ Any questions leave a comment on the blog or send an email to [email protected]

  • I use the Inno Setup, very customizable, beautiful and simple.

  • 2

    Can you specify your requirements better? "Basico" and "beautiful" are too subjective concepts.

  • @bfavaretto and in general end up turning disastrous things, fleeing completely from the visual scheme of OS.

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