Not all images are uploaded by the browser


Viewed 28 times


I have a page that needs to upload about 1200 photos and always worked well. But in the last batch of photos an error appears on the page as shown below: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

On those icons that appear if I right-click and then load the photos are corrected. But you can’t do this manually because hundreds of photos are showing up with this error. Below is the summary code that loads these photos:

  <figure><img src=''> 
     <figcaption>OM014-4142-2020531157400.jpg<br/>[email protected]</figcaption></figure>
  <figure><img src=''> 
     <figcaption>OM014-4142-20205311511470.jpg<br/>[email protected]</figcaption></figure>
  <figure><img src=''> 
     <figcaption>OM014-4142-20205311512440.jpg<br/>[email protected]</figcaption></figure>
  <!--centena de outras fotos-->

Can anyone tell if it is a server error? Or a small problem in the code above? Obs.: - The above code was done directly in html. If I do via the error persists. - My site uses Cloudflare. Can this be caused by Cloudflare? - I tested it in Chrome, Firefox and Opera. All the same error.

Thank you very much!

  • 1

    have already taken a look at the "network/network" tab of the browser tools to see what happens, why not load it? may be direct link problem to cloudflare

  • Or is your operating system or browser choking on the amount of requests, are too many images for a web page

  • I understand that there are many images, but this page is made every 3 months, always with the same amount of photos or more and it is the first time that gave error.

  • Ricardo Pontual - I took a look and for the photos not loaded gave error 503. It seems to be some new limitation of the hosting server.

  • +- 350 KB x 1200 = 420MB How many accesses per hour?

  • Use Lazy load that should solve. Photos will be uploaded gradually as they enter the viewport.

  • @Leocaracciolo This is not a public page, one access at a time. Just for verification.

  • 1

    @Sam Thank you Sam, I’ll try. Thank you.

  • I have a lazyload code that I made myself and it works which is a beauty. I’ll even update after pq it seems that classList is obsolete. But here it is if you want to test:

  • @ops Sam. Thank you so much.

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