How to compare dates?


Viewed 48 times


I created an NN/NN/NNNN mask in my editText to capture due date, without a calendar, all done in edt. Then I used Simpledateformat to capture the current system date. I made a comparison with the edt mask and the varialvel (current date) of the simpledateformat. But I think the comparison is not working. The created condition does not appear. I type the current date, but there is no "test" (condition I created as a test).

Field mask

 final EditText edtDataSelecionada = (EditText) findViewById(;

    //Criando a mascara de campo
    SimpleMaskFormatter smf = new SimpleMaskFormatter("NN/NN/NNNN");
    MaskTextWatcher mtw = new MaskTextWatcher(edtDataSelecionada, smf);
    //fim da mascará

Simpledateformat and condition


                SimpleDateFormat formataData = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
                Date data = new Date();
                String dataFormatada = formataData.format(data);

                if (edtDataSelecionada.getText().toString() == dataFormatada){

Another thing, I’d like to make comparisons with the separate dd of the MM.

  • The method format of a SimpleDateFormat returns a String. And in Java, strings must be compared with equals, not with the operator ==. Then just do if (edtDataSelecionada.getText().toString().equals(dataFormatada)) { etc... }

1 answer


I’m not sure I quite understood your question, but basically to compare a date you’d have to turn edtDataSelecionada for an object Date and then use the function compareTo.


SimpleDateFormat formataData = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date data = new Date();
String dataFormatada = formataData.format(data);

Date d1 = formataData.parse(edtDataSelecionada.getText().toString());
Date d2 = formataData.parse(dataFormatada);

if (d1.compareTo(d2) == 0){

Or else with equals:

if (d1.equals(d2)){

Take a look here

  • Exactly that, I was able to do the conversion from String to Date. But I have a problem, I put the same code in onResume of the screen that is my list, so that messages are passed with the update of the current date. Date D1 = null; Try { D1 = formatData.parse(item.getDataselected();// this.getDataselected item is in error. } catch (Parseexception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }error: Caused by: java.lang.Nullpointerexception: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.String.length()' on a null Object Reference

  • In case it seems you are now with an error in this method "getDataselected" same.

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