Run oracle database in sql


Viewed 1,315 times


I know it may sound like a stupid question, but I’ve already googled it and I haven’t found anything concrete, I own a trial where her call is like this:

  PROCEDURE pr_rel_saldo(p_codigocliente IN NUMBER,
                                         P_data_inicio IN DATE,
                                         p_data_fim IN DATE,
                                         p_saida              OUT saida_cursor);

How do I test it by sql Developer, ie only to run even, to see the result that is returning.


  • have tried execute pr_rel_saldo passing the parameters?

  • @Ricardopunctual yes

  • And what’s the mistake? is just this... can try an introductory form tbm, click on the side equerdo I find the name of Procedure, right button and "run", will open a screen to inform the parameters and run. It’s been a while since I’ve used plsql Developer, so you might have changed something

  • @Ricardopoint error is : PLS-00201: 'PR_REL_SALDO' identifier must be declared

  • With the selected SP click on the Run icon (blue button), fill the parameters and give ok , in "output variables" will have the result.

  • if you didn’t even find proc, you’re not missing the schema name, namespace, none of that?

  • She’s in a package, there’s a difference ?

  • And I’m not using PLSQL I’m using SQL Developer

  • In the case I passed 3 arguments, which are the input, the output also need to pass ?

  • The output is the return , naxsaída , never used in Packages. Alías discovered this option has little time.

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1 answer


You can call her as follows:

    ww_saida saida_cursor;

  pr_rel_saldo(p_codigocliente => 1,
               P_data_inicio => sysdate,
               p_data_fim => sysdate,
               p_saida => ww_saida);

If this Procedure is part of a package, add its name to the front of the call. This trial must be published. Example:


Only one check on the type of the variable ww_saida.

  • is giving error: PLS-00201: 'SAIDA_CURSOR' identifier must be declared

  • Yeah, probably that one TYPE must be declared inside your package as well. Try placing package.saida_cursor. See if this type is also published.

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