How to clear a form after submitting the data?


Viewed 542 times


I created a javascript function to clean and called the button to send with onclick. was like this:

function limpar(){
<input type=text>


<button type="submit" onclick="limpar()">Enviar Mensagem</button>

It’s deleting, the problem is that it deletes before sending. I need it to delete after sending. Note: I created a php to send and in the form so that send and stay on the same screen, without reloading the page.

I need urgent help!

  • need to put the complete form and php also to better understand your problem

4 answers


You can use the function setInterval. Ex:

setInterval(function(){ $("input").val("");
    $("textarea").val(""); }, 3000);

This function will be executed after 3 seconds after clicking the button.

  • It worked So, thank you very much!


You can use setInterval as suggested or else instead of running limpar() at the click of the button, run this function in the form Submit:


You need to exchange #ID_DO_FORM for the form id.



     // seu codigo aqui

     $(this).reset(); // função de resetar form


Thank you all! I was able to solve the problem through Francis' answer. I thank you above all for your cooperation.

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