How to put Y-axis variables in ascending order in ggplot


Viewed 298 times


I had to rename the Y variables of a ggplot, but I need them to be in ascending order so that the data correctly track its variables. I need you to start with #MB02

DateTime    Receiver    Transmitter ID  Transmitter.Serial  Sensor.Value Sensor.Unit    Station Name    Longitude   Latitude
2019-04-29  05:31:33    134321  4828    Fran    1305297         28.7       °C             PRN               102          121
2019-04-29  08:52:08    134325  4830    Beni    1305283         4.2         m             MVW               102          178
2019-04-29  08:53:13    134325  4831    Silvo   1305283         28.6       °C             MVW               150          178

ggplot(myc_t,aes(x=DateTime,y=Transmitter)) +  geom_point(stat="identity") +
  labs(x = "Período de monitoramento acústico", y = "Frequência de detecção")+ scale_y_discrete(labels = c("#MB04", "#MB05","#MB06","#MB07","#MB08","#MB03","#MB09","#MB10", "#MB11", "#MB12", "#MB02", "#MB13", "#MB14", "#MB15", "#MB16"))

  • 2

    Hi Franciele, you can pass your data with dput() the way this is difficult to answer, but probably you will use something with aes(x = DateTime,y = fct_reorder(Transmitter,alguma_coluna)

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2 answers


Inside the data.frame, before transforming it into a ggplot object, classify this variable using the Sort function, which will place it in alphabetical order.


dados = dados[sort(dados$variavel),]

If this variable is not already in your data.frame, you can add it based on some column.

Example: I want to create a column based on another column with a new category. Let’s say I want to put in the new column "GEOCOD", the number "53" for the lines whose state is "DF".

dados$GEOCOD[dados$UF == "DF"]= "53"


Hello, first of all, use the "reorder" function within the y parameter. I will also take the opportunity to suggest a better way of organizing your code, to facilitate even your understanding and others who need to work with you, okay? Thus:

ggplot(data = myc_t,
       aes(x = DateTime,
           y = reorder(Transmitter, -DateTime))) +
       geom_point(stat = "identity") +
       labs(x = "Período de monitoramento acústico",
            y = "Frequência de detecção")+ 
       scale_y_discrete(labels = c("#MB04", "#MB05","#MB06","#MB07","#MB08","#MB03","#MB09","#MB10", "#MB11", "#MB12", "#MB02", "#MB13", "#MB14", "#MB15", "#MB16"))

The "reorder" function will organize the values of "y" in ascending order, if you want in descending order, use the "+" instead of the "-". If you want "x" to be organized this way, instead of "y", just take the reorder function of "y" and put it in "x".

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