What is and how does the "clamp" function work in CSS?


Viewed 657 times


Recently I’ve seen some people talk about the function clamp.

What is its real usefulness?

Is there any relation to other functions, such as max or min?

  • clamp() is a recent CSS Feature that allows you to define a mean value, between a minimum and maximum set to a font size, for example. That’s a hand on the wheel for responsive websites. In this article here you can see better how to use the clamp.

1 answer


The subject is extensive because there can be many variables, like everything in CSS... But it’s not just something for font-size.

The clamp in fact is basically a shorthand for the construction of a "length" value for the font-size, for example, or for the width of a div.

It helps to increase the min() or max() adding a meanwhile between a minimum and a maximum value, that is, an expression such as this width: clamp(200px, 50%, 600px); means that the div will have a maximum of 600px, meanwhile, she cannot be more than 50% of her father’s width, nor less than 200px wide.

See this example also in full screen to see the behavior:

.box {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #f00 0%, #000 100%);
  height: 100px;
  width: clamp(200px, 50%, 600px);
<div class="box"></div>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium totam, accusamus eius assumenda odio nesciunt, corporis, cupiditate est architecto officiis minus? Inventore, non dicta! Eius doloribus placeat necessitatibus minima enim?</p>

Clamp is being widely applied in font-size because it helps to fix the problem of using measures based on view-port in font size, where on very narrow screens, for example, a measure such as font-size: 3vw can make the text illegible (since 3VW on a screen of 320px width corresponds approximately to a font-size of 9px). So with clamp you can make a mix of type font-size: clamp(1.75rem, 3vw, 2.1rem);

Note the values of the sources below and how their responsiveness behaves. The source with clamp will reach a minimum value that still allows reading, even though in VW:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see, the browser support is even relatively good: https://caniuse.com/css-line-clamp

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Mozilla documentation on clamp():

Two articles of reference that are worth!



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