How to limit in Angular the number of characters in the text by inserting a "Read more" button to see the rest?


Viewed 402 times


To limit in Angular the amount of characters in the text by inserting a "Read more" button to see the rest and when you see everything, the "see more" button will become the "see less" button".

I have the following div:

<div *ngFor="let menssagem of menssagem" class="msg">

I wanted this text, when it has for example more than 100 characters, it presents a "see more" button as in Facebook posts, and when expanding the "see less".

1 answer


You will have to try a variation of this code:

  selector: 'slice-string-pipe',
  template: `<div>
    <p>{{str}}[0:4]: '{{str | slice:0:4}}' - output is expected to be 'abcd'</p>
    <p>{{str}}[4:0]: '{{str | slice:4:0}}' - output is expected to be ''</p>
    <p>{{str}}[-4]: '{{str | slice:-4}}' - output is expected to be 'ghij'</p>
    <p>{{str}}[-4:-2]: '{{str | slice:-4:-2}}' - output is expected to be 'gh'</p>
    <p>{{str}}[-100]: '{{str | slice:-100}}' - output is expected to be 'abcdefghij'</p>
    <p>{{str}}[100]: '{{str | slice:100}}' - output is expected to be ''</p>
export class SlicePipeStringComponent {
  str: string = 'abcdefghij';

Where is 0:4 for example you will have to use a variable manipulated by the see more button or see less

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