Error: FROM keyword not found where expected


Viewed 171 times


I am trying to do the following Inner Join but am getting error:

FROM keyword not found where expected

       e.num_exame as [exame], 
       a.num_amostra as [amostra], 
       e.data_hora_exame as [exame], 
       a.tipo_amostra as [amostra] 
from exame as e 
inner join amostra as a on e.num_exame = a.num_exame
group by e.num_exame, a.num_amostra, e.data_hora_exame, a.tipo_amostra
where upper (situacao_amostra) like upper ('%descartada%');

What is wrong?

  • What is that? Mysql, SQL Server, Oracle, Postgres?

  • I do not see any error except some particularity of the SQL dialect used in your DBMS, which you did not inform what it is. A curiosity: what is the reason for this clause GROUP BY if you do not use any aggregation function?

  • It’s Oracle. I tried to comment group by but gives the same error...

  • Are you sure of these brackets, the alias would not be in quotes (e.g.: "exam")?

  • I tried trading for quotes and gave error: SQL command was not finished correctly

1 answer


select e.num_exame       as exame, 
       a.num_amostra     as amostra, 
       e.data_hora_exame as dh_exame, 
       a.tipo_amostra    as tipo_amostra
  from exame e inner join amostra a on e.num_exame = a.num_exame
 where upper (situacao_amostra) like upper ('%descartada%')
 group by e.num_exame, a.num_amostra, e.data_hora_exame, a.tipo_amostra
  • Clause Where stood before group by, taken out of brackets, and "as" before tables

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