How to call the Selectedindexchanged event a method


Viewed 805 times


As I call the Selectedindexchanged event of a Dropdownlist in another method. Webform usage.

  • 1

    The answer exists and works. Also consider that a good practice would be to promote all the code of the event method to a new method. In the event a call to this method would be made. And in this specific case too, it would be called this method instead of the event.

1 answer


seuDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
  • In reality what I’m trying to do is to make the combo display a text according to my research. Like, the research came back with a bank number, say 237, that’s equivalent to Bradesco S/A in my combo. When I bring this result, I would like the Bradesco S/A text to be displayed in the combo according to its value which in this case is 237.

  • @pnet in that case it will be necessary to open another question whereas what you want is different from what was first asked.

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