Doubt about how <header> is interpreted


Viewed 116 times


We have a <header> main on the page where we normally place the logo image.

Within this <header> image needs so much the alt as title to be interpreted by the correct searchers?

I wonder if the search engine (Google in case), will interpret the <header> reading the property title and thus associating it.

  • From what I noticed Google also uses close texts, but I can not formulate a response with details, because the Google algorithm always evolves and can change the way of acting, so there is no way to formulate an exact or 100% correct answer. I believe the best is to use the <img> alt and title indents. Note: I believe searchers are usually interested in the content of the page and not the logo or anything like that.

3 answers


To quickly answer your question, by the research I did, and as you will see below, what is used for naming is the alt in the case of the IMG tag.

But for a more in-depth response, with the intention of functional SEO, if your intention is to have your logo linked to your website, the best thing to do is to follow the standard schemas that are adopted for this purpose, such as which is known as microdata (microformat / Microdata).


You can "name" your block where the logo is as Organization:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <a itemprop="url" href="">Home</a>
  <img itemprop="logo" src="" />

An updated form of is to use as a SCRIPT tag within the <head>:

<script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "Organization",
      "url": "",
      "logo": ""

You can also use Localbusiness with logo, as the following example:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <p itemprop="name">Nome da Empresa</p>
    <img itemprop="logo" src="logo.png" alt="Nome da Empresa">
  • Um cool, well I’m with an SEO book "The Art of SEO" to start reading. Nice you talk of, well thought out! I’ve used it on my site but did not give so much importance, although by google webmaster is very cool to see that it takes all the "props" and "itemtype". Hugs!


Researching, I found something that can help you :


36 out of 37 of the world’s top Seoptimizers point out that the title tag is the most important attribute for a good ranking on google.

For those who like statistics, we already found a good reason to take very good care of title tags.

Let’s get down to business:!

8 SEO tips to make a good title tag:

  1. Use page name in all title tag!

But change the title according to the content:

"Agency Master - Articles"

"Agency Master - Black Hat"

"Agency Master - Link Building"

  1. Do not exceed 60~70 characters.

This is because it will not appear more than 70 characters in the search results for the title of a page...

  1. Use keywords (but within a context):

Attention! Not worth keyword Spamming! "master seo, seo tips, all about seo, seo tutorial, black hat seo, meta Description seo, ..."

Use the keywords but with some sense: "Master Agency - All about SEO" =)

  1. If using phrases that are relevant

"Agency Master - 10 Reasons not to use Black Hat" =)

"Agência Mestre - Good morning, today I woke up thinking about new SEO techniques." =(

  1. Phrase separator: keep the sentence separate from the rest of the title

"Agency Master - Articles | SEO in Title Tag"

  1. What the page offers?

A title for a page must follow its supply and demand. When the page offers a browsing or search, a descriptive title is recommended. However, when selling or offering a download, it should be made clear in the title that the purchase, download or any other action, can be made on the site. "Agency Master - Download e-books on SEO", or "Agency Master - Search the best SEO books".

  1. Maintain a pattern

Set a Title Pattern and Follow It.

"Agency Master - Articles"

"Master Agency - Downloads"


"Agency Master - Articles"

"Download Agency Master"

"buy books - seo tips"

  1. Use the Title inside the page

Repeat the title of the page on H1 of the page, or something that is worth it, so the user will be sure that he got where he wanted and that his site offers what he needs. Not to mention that the search engine will love to find in the content of the page what the title tag says it has!

  • Another source where you can find out more is Google: .

  • The Title that was referenced in the question is the IMG tag attribute and not the html head Meta Tag Title.


You can set in your header some information that will be indexed by the searchers, but will not be displayed to the user.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<title>Definindo Header</title>
		header h1 {
			display: none;
		<h1>Logo da Empresa X</h1>
		<img src="#" alt="Logo da Empresa X">

You set a title header for the logo only for semantics, but leave it with a display:None in css.

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