OLE Error Windows Xp


Viewed 93 times


I have an application developed in Delphi, while running only on Windows XP computers I am having the following error:

OLE error 80131513, ClassID: {3A8B6B96-4F23-4EB5-B4B1-243BFBC41A39}

Follows my code:

     DM_Principal.pLarWS := CreateComObject(LarWS_TLB.CLASS_WS) as IWS;
  except on e : exception do
    showmessage('Erro: '+ e.message);
    //WinExec( 'regasm LarWS.dll /tlb:LarWS.tlb',SW_HIDE);
    //Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
    //Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
    //DM_Principal.pLarWS := CreateComObject(LarWS_TLB.CLASS_WS) as IWS;

Follows the code of LARWS_TLB.

I’ve already updated the . NET Framework to version 4.0.3. The strange thing is that as already mentioned this problem occurs only on Windows XP computers.

  • I don’t know if you read this article: http://www.flexdocs.com.br/support/knowledgebase.php?article=215

  • I know it’s not an answer, but I have some outdated Windows clients that always present some kind of problem, and in these cases I recommend updating to a newer one. XP is almost 20 years old.

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