Datepicker component breaking the screen in editing


Viewed 176 times


I created the following component to select dates in Unform:

export default function DatePickerInput({ name, }) {
  const datepickerRef = useRef(null);
  const { fieldName, defaultValue = '', registerField } = useField(name);

  const [date, setDate] = useState(defaultValue || null);
  useEffect(() => {
      name: fieldName,
      ref: datepickerRef.current,
      path: 'props.selected',
  }, [fieldName, registerField]);

  return (
    <Label htmlFor={fieldName}>

To save records the component is working normally, loading and saving the date I selected. When I edit a record, when trying to load the date in the initial load, the page is broken and the following error is displayed:

Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): Cannot assign to read only property 'selected' of object '#<Object>'

If I comment on the line path: 'props.selected', in the useEfect() the screen is not broken, but the date is not filled in the component. How to make it work ?

  • I don’t know about that, but you’ve tried it writable="true" with the value true without the quotation marks: writable=true? I’ve seen plugins that deal "true" (in quotes) as a string and true (unquote) as boolean and cause differentiation and incorrect behavior when string.

  • He doesn’t accept.

  • Without an example reproducible it is not possible to help. You have not shown nor the import's for someone to try to reproduce. It seems that you are using the react-datepicker, but I can’t even say that, since he doesn’t have a prop writable.

  • 1

    @Rafaeltavares yes. I’m using the React-datepicker. I posted the complete codes here in these two Gists:

2 answers


Problem :

formRef.current.setFieldValue('birthday',value) this will attempt to define value in the given path, in our case, provided that path be it props.selected

And props.selected is a read-only property, so you cannot set value in props, hence the error.

useEffect(() => {
      name: fieldName,
      ref: datepickerRef.current,
      path: 'props.selected', // <---- this is props, and it's readonly
      clearValue: (ref) => {
}, [fieldName, registerField]);

Solution :

You can remove the path and use the methodsgetter and setter, appointed asgetValue and setValue:

setValue : to define the starting value or past setFieldValue

getValue : to get value when sending

useEffect(() => {
      name: fieldName,
      ref: datepickerRef.current,
      clearValue: ref => {
      setValue: (e, v) => {
        setDate(new Date(v)); // <---- Setting up default value 
      getValue: () => {
        return datepickerRef.current.props.selected; // to get selected value from Date picker's props
        // OR
        return Date.toString(); // to get selected value from state it self
}, [fieldName, registerField]);


Edit #SO-Datepicker-unform-setvalue

  • Any Reason for downvote?

  • 1

    Because this is the Stackoverflow in Portuguese. This community is exclusively for Lusophone users so questions and Answers should be Asked in English. If you want to continue communicating in English, you can use Stackoverflow EN.

  • Okay Thanks man,for Explaining, Let me Convert it into English,

  • Do you need help with that?

  • @Augustovasques,I know Answer is 100% correct but I think,Getting downvotes just for a language, I’ve tried to Convert it, will you Please also check if its still understandable or you can update it, Thanks for asking.

  • it’s OK(it’s OK).

  • @Augustovasques, Thanks man (thanks man) :)

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In JSX, to insert a boolean value, among others, you must insert it between ex keys. writable={true},

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