Good afternoon! Folks, I need to display to the customer the password he typed and not 60 Encrypted characters. How can I do this procedure? Below is the password recovery code I created. However, it displays only the 60 characters and not the password that was typed by the client.
I am using password_hash, default
$email_recuperado = $_POST['email_recuperar'];
$consultaEmail = $verde_conexao->query("SELECT * FROM verde_cadastro WHERE email = '{$email_recuperado}'");
$rows = $consultaEmail->num_rows;
$senhaGlobal = $consultaEmail->fetch_assoc();
if($rows == 1):
echo $senhaGlobal['senha'];
Result of $passwordGlobal: $2y$10$s8eqpQimDaz4e.aUkCIaheP5rD0hgULSQBdyk/9pSGQQysOGNkoMW
I understood. Your reply is very explanatory. Thank you.
– Jose JR