python with redis


Viewed 82 times


Good night, I’m trying to make a simple messaging application that unites Python with Redis, I was able to connect to the database in a simple set/get, but I’m not able to do any hashing to save/fetch messages or users in redis nor are the inputs working. I am using Visualstudiocode with powershell to do it. Does anyone know how to proceed? Here comes the code --->

from cli import User
import redis

Tests connection with redis (here it works)

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
r.set('fruta', 'pera')

class Servidor(nick.User):
    def __init__(self, host = 'localhost', port = 6379,):
        self.__host = host
        self.__port = port
        self.__nick = nick
        self.__password = password

from chat import Servidor
import redis
import getpass
import datetime

Tests connection with redis

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
r.set('fruta', 'manga')

class User:
    def __init__(self, nick, password, msg, host = '', port = 9999):
        self.__nick = nick
        self.__password = password
        self.__msg = msg = host
        self.port = port

Creates new user

def new_user(self, nick, apelidos, host, port):
    r.hset.i = input('Digite seu apelido único: ')
    for nick in apelidos:
        apelidos:str = input('Apelido já escolhido, seja mais original e escolha outro')

Sets the access password

def escolha_senha(self, password):
    password = getpass.getpass (input('Digite sua senha: '))
    password2 = getpass.getpass (input('Digite novamente sua senha: '))
    if password == password2:
        password = r.hset
        return False

Sends message without spaces to any user (but not yet saved in redis)

def send(self, sender, msg):
    self.msg = r.hset(input(msg.strip()))
    self.sender = self.__nick

Stores message in a hash

def storage_msg(self, msg, time):
    self.msg = r.hset
    self.time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    while msg != '/bye':
        msg = input(print("Envie sua mensagem: ",msg," - ",time))
  • Look - someone might unfold to answer this question - but you’re trying to use several different concepts without understanding some basic things before - for example, recreating a for within itself for, its function new_user never have create an instance of the class user, neither has a if to test whether something exists or not - etc... quite a mess indeed. Try clearing up one part at a time by going back to the documentation or course you’re learning from - and maybe it’s a good idea to let the redis go a little later: use a simple Python dictionary until it works

  • A nice concept: input is a nice function to pick up data entry, but she for the program, and prevents any kind of unit test. Separate the logic of your program so that the check/connection functions never have a call to input, and yes, receive the value that the user will enter as a parameter. There you write other functions that make up the "print/input" part and call the first ones.

  • Another thing - Python has no "private" attributes - some older documentation confuses the __ prefix with private attributes - disregard that, and don’t use it - it only makes the code harder to read and deal with, at the stage where you’re getting familiar with the language.

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