How to get the values typed in input type="date" in React JS


Viewed 898 times


Hi, can someone give me a hand? I’m trying to get the values typed in two inputs with the type="date" and perform a filter bringing only the table data that is between the initial date(typed) and the final date(typed).

Here’s an example of where I left off:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import '../component/css/style.css';

const information = [
        id: 1,
        Protocolo: 'PROTCOT20200428',
        NomeDoProjeto: 'Teste1',
        Produto: 'Produto 1',
        status: 'Vencido'

    id: 2,
    Protocolo: 'PROTCOT20190428',
    NomeDoProjeto: 'Teste2',
    Produto: 'AProduto 2',
    status: 'Aberto'

    id: 3,
    Protocolo: 'PROTCOT20180428',
    NomeDoProjeto: 'Teste3',
    Produto: 'BProduto 3 ',
    status: 'Em Análise'

    id: 4,
    Protocolo: 'PROTCOT20170428',
    NomeDoProjeto: 'Teste4',
    Produto: 'CProduto 4',
    status: 'Concluído'

Instead of setting a value, I would like to take this value when the user type

var starDate ='28/04/2018';  

var endDate ='28/04/2017';

This second condition it returns me an empty array, if I take the && it works, but there does not make this comparison

var result = information.filter(obj =>{
    var obj = obj;
    return obj.DataDeAbertura >= starDate && <= endDate;


class Teste extends Component {

render() {
    return (
                <label class='dtInicio'>Data Início:</label>
                <input type='date'/><br/>
                <label class='dtFim'>Data Fim:</label>
                <input type='date'></input>
            </form> <br/><br/> 
            <table class="table">
                <thead class="thead-dark">
                        <th scope="col" className='thProtocolo'>Protocolo</th>
                        <th scope="col" className='thProjeto'>Nome do projeto</th>
                        <th scope="col" className='thProduto'>Produto</th>
                        <th scope="col" className='thData'>Data de abertura</th>
                        <th scope="col" className='thStatus'>Status</th>
                    { => 
                        <tr key={}>
                             <td className='protocolo'>{info.Protocolo}</td>
                             <td className='projeto'>{info.NomeDoProjeto}</td>
                             <td className='produto'>{info.Produto}</td>
                             <td className='dtAbertura'>{info.DataDeAbertura}</td>
                             <td className='status'>{info.status}</td>


export default Teste;

1 answer


About Javascript Date Comparison:

To compare the dates you must work with the Date type, because here is only a string var starDate ='28/04/2018';. After converting string to Date dates, you can compare them normally.

function strToDate(strDate) {
// quebrando a string em um array
strDate = strDate.split('/');
//transformando string em objeto tipo Date
// new Date(ano, mês, dia, hora, minuto, segundo, milissegundo);
date = new Date(strDate[2], strDate[1], strDate[0]);
return date;

function dateBetween(date, startDate, endDate) {
    return ((date >= startDate) && (date <= endDate));

var startDate ='28/04/2017';
//objeto do tipo Date
startDate = strToDate(startDate);

var endDate ='28/04/2018';
//objeto do tipo Date
endDate = strToDate(endDate);

var result = information.filter(obj => dateBetween(strToDate(obj.DataDeAbertura), startDate, endDate));

Beware of the names and values of the test variables because the test values of the initial date and final date variables were reversed:

var starDate ='28/04/2018';  

var endDate ='28/04/2017';

And I believe that’s what I expected:

var startDate ='28/04/2017';

var endDate ='28/04/2018';

The data entry part I’m not sure I can help. But I hope this helps in filtering the date. :)

  • Thank you so much for your help!

  • With your help I can already filter the dates :D Now I just need help to instead of setting a date on these variables,.

  • I don’t understand Act, I only know mobile development with Angular/Ionic/Cordova. Maybe this example of React I found from Uncontrolled Input will help you Understanding controlled and uncontrolled inputs in React

  • I’ll take a look, thank you very much!

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