I’m trying to make a show that gets an n number and returns all the cousins up to n, but I don’t know what’s going wrong


Viewed 48 times


numero = int(input('Digite um número: '))

lista_numeros = list(range(1, numero + 1))

primos = []

divisores = 0 

for n in lista_numeros: 
    for count in range (2, n): 
        if (numero % count == 0): 
            divisores =+ 1 

    if divisores == 0: 


2 answers


Your code does not return the right answer. If you haven’t yet, I suggest you test this code:

def primo(numero):
    div = 0
    for n in range(1, numero+1):
        if numero % n == 0:
            div += 1 
    return div

numero = int(input('Digite um número: '))
lista = [x for x in range(1, numero)]
primos = []

for n in lista:
    div = primo(n)
    if div == 2:


In function primo(numero) We received a number to verify if he is cousin or not. As we know, a prime number is one that is divisible only by 1 or by itself, that is, it only has 2 divisors. So in our function we start a splitter counter div 0 and we analyze how many divisors the number passed per parameter has, running from 1 to it. If it is divisible we increment our counter div.

We received a number in the variable numero and then create a list that goes from 1 to the number given. Here I used list comprehension to generate the list. In the variable primos create a list to store the primes and then just go through the list of numbers and call the function primo(). If the function result is 2 it means that the number only has 2 divisors, so it is prime and is added to the list of prime numbers.


Your code has some errors, for example: change this =+ for +=. I made the following changes:

numero = int(input('Digite um número: '))

lista_numeros = list(range(2, numero + 1))

primos = []

divisores = 0

for n in lista_numeros:
    for count in primos:
        if (n % count == 0):
            divisores += 1

    if divisores == 0:

    divisores = 0

  • Gosh, thank you so much! I’m right at the beginning yet, I took only a few lessons. Thank you very much!

  • You are welcome. And it is not necessary to check if it is divisible by all numbers greater than 1, only check with prime numbers.

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