Help with ajax connection


Viewed 19 times


Hello! I am new in php and am starting with ajax, I would like a help because I am locked in this project. I am passing this connection ajax and using the data Return to send the object to my other function. However my log console shows that I am sending a string and not an object as expected.

function carregarDados(arquivo, type, dados, metodo){

        url: '../controller/'+arquivo+'Controller.php?metodo='+metodo,
        type: type,
        dataType: 'json',
        data: dados,
        success: function(dados){


    return dados;


function logar(){

    var dados = $('#formLogin').serialize();
    var retorno = carregarDados('login', 'post', dados, 'logar');



1 answer


Sends string as the method serialize jQuery returns a string. Use the method serializeArray to get an array of field names and values. For example the HTML form:

 <form onsubmit="logar()" id="formLogin">
    <input type="text" name="login" value="admin">
    <input type="text" name="senha"value="123">
    <input type="submit">

With serializeArray:

  name: "login",
  value: "admin"
}, {
  name: "senha",
  value: "123"

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