How to get only specific page elements via Xios.get()?


Viewed 99 times


With the Axios.get method from the Axios.js library I can get an entire HTML page, right? Example:

                .then(resp => {


But now, if I just want to search for some specific elements of that page, like some Ivs, how could I do that in a get request via Axios? You would have to pass a selector for example, on the object that is the second parameter of Axios.get, right? But how exactly would the syntax of this look like?

1 answer


You can use the Cheerio to do this.

 const cheerio = require('cheerio');
 const axios   = require('axio');

                .then(resp => {
                  $ = cheerio.load(;
                  var elemento = $('input[id="elemento"]') /// sintax do jquery
                  /// agora você faz o que quiser com o elemento

  • Fine, I’ll try it first

  • Ah, but there’s one detail: I’m actually trying to give GET, not post. I want to give GET to external Urls, but they always refuse these Xmlhttprequest Axios requests. See this thread

  • 1

    I tested your code here and I didn’t get the same error

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