How to open the Wordpress media library by tinymce?


Viewed 153 times


I’m trying to create a shortcode to embed audio files on the page, and I prefer not to use the standard Wordpress shortcode because I need other parameters.

I use a basic script to open a tinymce window, which contains a text box ("audio_url") and a button. When clicking the button, I need to open the media library, to search for or send audio files, which when inserted, will fill the text field with the URL of the file.

This is what I have (does not work as needed, see below):

{ // essa é só uma opção de shortcode numa listbox que guarda todas
    text: 'Audio Shortcode',
    onclick: function() {
        var win = {
            title: 'Insert Audio',
            body: [
            {type: 'textbox',
            name: 'audio_url',
            id: 'audio-url',
            label: 'File...',
            value: '',
            {type: 'button',
            name: 'find',
            text: 'Find...',
            onclick: function() {
                var audiofield = win.find('#audio-url');
                var myurl = tb_show("Audio search", "media-upload.php?type=audio&height=700&width=600&TB_iframe=true");
                    url: myurl,
                    width: 700,
                    height: 600,
                    resizable: 'yes',
                    close_previous: 'no',
                    oninsert: function ( url ) {
                        audiofield.value = url;
onsubmit: function( e ) {
    editor.insertContent( '[audiomb src="' + + '"]');
} },

What I tried there was to create a tinymce window containing the standard Wordpress thickbox, to fetch the file and when to insert (oninsert), fill the box with the URL.

It doesn’t work because the tb_show iframe clicks behind the tinymce window, and an empty window (the editor) in front of them all. How can I make the media library window load correctly by clicking the button, then insert the media and fill the box? Or does tinymce 4 have a better way of making this work? Thank you!

  • Oops, all right? Take a look at this:

  • I know the little button over there at Tinymce looks a lot better, but, boy, it’d be a lot less of a headache to do a Custom Meta Box. You can even insert something completely customized between the Title input box and the Content textarea.

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