Instead of Trigger to enter values - ORACLE


Viewed 91 times


Summarizing my problem, I need to automatically insert values into a table after other values are entered into it. The way I found to do this on the Oracle was by using a Trigger of the kind INSTEAD OF. However, after implementing and testing the Trigger, no value has been entered.

I built a small test case on the site dbfiddle, someone could help me and explain to me what exactly prevents me from doing mine Inserts?. rdbms=oracle_18&fiddle=262e83082d65b69aa8d851ac09b35795

Code I used for testing:

create table timdtl(dtlcodigo number, dtldescricao varchar(20));

create view dtl_view as select * from timdtl;

create or replace trigger gera_detalhamento
    instead of insert on dtl_view
    for each row

    insert into timdtl values(1, 'Trigger Test');


insert into timdtl
values(666, 'Manual Insert');

Expected Result: 666 | Manual Insert 1 | Trigger Test

Result Obtained: 666 | Manual Insert

Note: I am using this specific Trigger to avoid the mutant table error that occurs when I try to insert values in the same table that is being updated.

  • I’ve never used this but I think Insert has to be in the view. "Instead of" inserting Trigger will be called. But I didn’t understand the original problem.

  • The original problem is a little more complex and long to put all here, it would solve part of it. Even if I put the Insert in the view the result remains the same

  • Look at this, similar to your case I believe.

  • I am exactly with this link open to understand better, but still could not solve my problem

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