I have the following query:
cursor.execute("SELECT raddb.StockMinimo.Id, raddb.StockMinimo.Produto, Minimo, Quantidade FROM raddb.StockMinimo LEFT OUTER JOIN raddb.StockProdutos ON raddb.StockProdutos.Id = raddb.StockMinimo.Id WHERE raddb.StockMinimo.Identificacao = '3' AND raddb.StockMinimo.Ativo = '1' AND Quantidade < Minimo AND Minimo > '0'")
myresult = cursor.fetchall()
Which returns the following data;
Product id Minimum Quantity
93 Transparent 15mm Adhesive Tape (Units) 6 3
112 Carbon Pencil nº2 (Box C/ 12 Units) 10 6
160 Desk Staple Bag (Pcs) 3 1
Then I do the for
to return the results:
for linha in myresult:
Produto = linha[1]
Minimo = linha[2]
Quantidade = linha[3]
Send the email as follows:
texto = 'Os seguinte produtos encontram-se com quantidade de stock igual ou inferior ao stock minimo. {} ({}) ({})'.format(
Produto.encode("utf-8"), Quantidade, Minimo)
The problem is that it sends email for each line that returns from the database. As it returns 3 lines sends 3 emails. I wanted to send all the lines in the same email.
Complete code:
myresult = cursor.fetchall()
for linha in myresult:
Produto = linha[1]
Minimo = linha[2]
Quantidade = linha[3]
if Quantidade <= Minimo:
remetente = '[email protected]'
senha = 'xxxxxxxxx'
destinatario = ['[email protected]']
assunto = 'Stock Papelaria'
texto = 'Os seguinte produtos encontram-se com quantidade de stock igual ou inferior ao stock minimo. Produto: {} Quantidade: {} Minimo: {}'.format(
Produto.encode("utf-8"), Quantidade, Minimo)
msg = '\r\n'.join([
'From: %s' % remetente,
'To: %s' % destinatario,
'Subject: %s' % assunto,
'%s' % texto
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com:587')
server.sendmail(remetente, destinatario, msg)
see how to concatenate strings
– Elton Nunes
@Elton Nunes saw how to cancatenate the strings and I did it this way:
teste = [Produto.encode("utf-8") + str(Quantidade) + str(Minimo)]
, but still send separate emails– Bruno
@Elton Nunes and intended to send all the rows returned in the query in one email. I think the problem is not in the concatenation
– Bruno
concatenate with n between lines, will turn into a string but will keep the line break, a doubt in which moment you are sending the email? the construction of your script is not clear to me
– Elton Nunes
@Elton Nunes added the full script to the question.
– Bruno
the code responsible for sending the email is inside the loop, it should be outside
– Elton Nunes
@Elton Nunes put out, now just sends an email, but only sends the last line of the returned. I tried with this concatenation
teste = [Produto.encode("utf-8") + str(Quantidade) + str(Minimo)]
, but only send in the email the last line– Bruno
You have to work on the logic of concatenization
– Elton Nunes
@Elton Nunes can set an example for me to understand?
– Bruno