Communication between parent and child component


Viewed 48 times


Hello! I have a parent component the Connectorwizardmodalcomponent and a child component Connectorwizardcomponent. The child component extends from Cdkstepper, and in the parent component I have an array of Steps objects, which has all the information I want displayed by the child component, but I can’t get them to communicate. I’ll post the code to get a better understanding. Connectorwizardmodalcomponent.ts

  selector: 'app-connector-wizard-modal',
  templateUrl: './connector-wizard-modal.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./connector-wizard-modal.component.scss']

export class ConnectorWizardModalComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {

  @ViewChild(ConnectorWizardComponent) connectorwizardComponent: ConnectorWizardComponent;
  @ViewChildren('linkRefs') linkRefs: QueryList<CdkStep>;

  contentReady = false;

  stepsRefs = [];

  isEditable = false;

  steps: ConnectorStepModel[];
  currentComponent: number;
  @Output() closeModalEvent = new EventEmitter();

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit() {

    this.steps = [
        name: 'Select Engine',
        component: SelectEngineComponent,
        // stepControl: 'pending',
        descripition: 'select engine',
        icon: 'fa-share-alt',
        completed: false,
        data: new Step01Model(),
        outputs: {
          onNextStepEvent: data => this.onNextStep(data)
        name: 'Connector Configuration',
        component: ConnectorConfigIdentificationComponent,
        // stepControl: 'pending',
        descripition: 'select engine',
        icon: 'fa-share-alt',
        completed: false,
        data: new Step01Model(),
        outputs: {
          onPreviousStepEvent: data => this.onPreviousStep(data),
          onNextStepEvent: data => this.onNextStep(data)

        name: 'Connector Configuration',
        component: ConnectorConfigCommunicationComponent,
        // stepControl: 'pending',
        descripition: 'select engine',
        icon: 'fa-share-alt',
        completed: false,
        data: new Step01Model(),
        outputs: {
          onPreviousStepEvent: data => this.onPreviousStep(data),
          onNextStepEvent: data => this.onNextStep(data),


    // this.currentComponent = this.steps[1];

    this.contentReady = true;

    // console.log('os filhos', this.linkRefs);


  ngAfterViewInit() {

    // this.openModal();

    // console.log('os filhoszzzz', this.linkRefs.toArray());
    // this.stepsRefs = this.linkRefs.toArray();

  onCancel() {
    // redirect!

  onPreviousStep(data) {

  onNextStep(data) {

  onSubmit() {
    // DO final work!!



  selector: 'app-connector-wizard',
  templateUrl: './connector-wizard.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./connector-wizard.component.scss'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  providers: [{ provide: CdkStepper, useExisting: ConnectorWizardComponent }]
export class ConnectorWizardComponent extends CdkStepper implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {

  constructor(dir: Directionality, changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) {
    super(dir, changeDetectorRef);
  ngOnInit() { }

  ngAfterViewInit() {

  stepState(stepIndex: number) {

    const step = this.steps.toArray()[stepIndex];

    if (stepIndex === this.selectedIndex) { return 'selected'; }
    if (step.completed) { return 'completed'; }
    if (step.interacted) { return 'warning'; }

    return 'pending';


  nextStep(): void {
    if (this.selectedIndex < this.steps.length - 1) {

  previousStep(): void {
    if (this.selectedIndex > 0) {

  gotoStep(index: number): void {
    this.selectedIndex = index;

  setComplete(b: boolean): void {
    this.selected.completed = b;



<div content class="body bg-light w-100 h-100">
  <div class="row h-100">

    <div class="col-3 bg-white col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-2 col-lg-2 col-xl-3">
      <div leftbar class="h-100 bg-white">
        <div class="m-wizard__head text-center h-75 p-0">

          <div class="d-flex justify-content-center w-100 p-5">
              <div class="step stepper-horizontal" *ngFor="let step of _steps; let i = index;" [ngClass]="stepState(i)" (click)="gotoStep(i)">
                <div [ngClass]=" {'step-active border-primary rounded-circle': i === selectedIndex}"> {{i + 1}}</div>                                 <!-- rever esta condição (e trocar o selectedIndex pelo "step.selected") -->

          <div class="step-info w-75 h-50 m-auto pt-5">                      
            <i class="fa {{ steps.icon}} fa-8x text-secondary"></i>                                                                                           
            <h2 class="pt-4">{{ steps.label | translate}}</h2>                                                                                                     
            <span class="pt-4">{{ steps.description | translate}}</span>                                                          


    <div class="col-9 pr-0 py-5 col-xs-10 col-sm-10 col-md-10 col-lg-10 col-xl-9">
      <div rightbar class="right-bar-content">
        <ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="selected.content"></ng-container>
      <ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="footerActions"></ng-template>


<ng-template #footerActions>
  <div class="actions" [ngClass]=" {'first-step-actions': selectedIndex === 0, 'forms-actions': selectedIndex > 0}">        
    <a *ngIf="selectedIndex === 0; else elseBlock" class="btn btn-secondary m-btn--icon" (click)="cancelProcess()">                               <!-- trocar o 0 por "primeiroStep" (e trocar o selectedIndex pelo "step.selected") -->
        <i class="fa fa-times wizard-btns-icon"></i>
        <span class="wizard-btns-text">
          {{ 'actions.cancel' | translate}}
    <ng-template #elseBlock>
      <a *ngIf="selectedIndex !== 0" class="btn btn-secondary m-btn--icon ml-3" (click)="onPreviousStep()">                                       <!-- trocar o 0 por "primeiroStep" (e trocar o selectedIndex pelo "step.selected") -->
          <i class="fa fa-arrow-left wizard-btns-icon"></i>
          <span class="wizard-btns-text">
            {{ 'actions.previous' | translate}}
      <button *ngIf="selectedIndex === 3" class="btn btn-primary m-btn--icon ml-3" (click)="finishProcess()">                                     <!-- trocar o 3 por "ultimoStep" (e trocar o selectedIndex pelo "step.selected") -->
          <i class="fa fa-check wizard-btns-icon"></i>
          <span class="wizard-btns-text">
            {{ 'labels.finish' | translate}}
      <button *ngIf="selectedIndex < 3" class="btn btn-primary m-btn--icon ml-3" (click)="onNextStep()">                                          <!-- trocar o 3 por "ultimoStep" (e trocar o selectedIndex pelo "step.selected") -->
          <i class="fa fa-arrow-right wizard-btns-icon"></i>
          <span class="wizard-btns-text">
            {{ '' | translate}}


<app-fullscreen-modal [onCloseAction]="closeModalAction">
    <div content class="body w-100 h-100">
      <app-connector-wizard linear>
        <cdk-step #linkRefs *ngFor="let step of steps; let stepIndex = index" [label]="" [completed]="step.completed">

Since there’s no communication between them I can’t find the properties I need

<div class="step-info w-75 h-50 m-auto pt-5">                      
            <i class="fa {{ steps.icon}} fa-8x text-secondary"></i>                                                                                           
            <h2 class="pt-4">{{ steps.label | translate}}</h2>                                                                                                     
            <span class="pt-4">{{ steps.description | translate}}</span>                                                          

How can I do that?

  • Got a little confused your question, you want to spend a object array parent component for child component?

  • Yes that is the intention

  • But this is simple and basic Angular, using the directive @Input() you can pass data from parent component to children.

  • Leandrade, it’s not that simple... The Komponent child extends Cdkstepper, which already has a step that only knows the label property. And in my parent component I have a step which is an array of objects that has other properties, which I need to access in the child component.

  • Vc wants to iterate in the array that comes from the parent component in which html element in the child?

  • ``` <div class="step-info w-75 h-50 m-auto pt-5"> <i class="fa {{ Steps.icon}} fa-8x text-Secondary"></i> <H2 class="pt-4">{{ Steps.label | Translate}}</H2> <span class="pt-4">{{ Steps.Description | Translate}}</span> </div> ` ``

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