Build Opencvblobslib in Windows Environment


Viewed 98 times


How to run the Opencvblobslib bilioteca compilation in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (works in previous versions)

  • You gave less than 1 minute for people to respond, hahaha. I know what you are trying to do here. ;)

  • I answered my own question

1 answer


Step by step (I put this tutorial in github issues but it was closed)

  1. I downloaded cvBlobslib (
  2. Create an empty project in Visual Studio 2013
  3. Put the 6 files . h and 5 files . cpp into the project
  4. Perform Binding of all Opencv dependencies (
  5. Download this file: 1.17MB and unpack in the folder: C:\pthreads.hWin32 (i created this folder)
  6. This folder has 3 subfolders: Pre-built.2, pthreads.2, QueueUserAPCEx.
  7. Pre-built.2 had 3 subfolders: Lib (2 sub-folders: x64 with libpthreadGC2.a (Extension . a) and pthreadVC2.lib, x86 I do not use) and dll, include with 3 . h.
  8. Add the folder include in the Additional include directories(MVS).
  9. Add the folder lib in Additional include directories.
  10. Add pthreadVC2.lib inside the lib folder
  11. Change "Configuration Type" in Configuration Properties -->> General to Static Library . lib
  12. Add this line above all files . cpp: pragma warning (disable: 4996) // Esta função ou variável pode ser inseguro
  13. From the main menu, select Release / x64 and I clicked on BUILD - >> Build Solution
  14. In the folder: C:\Users\<nomeDoSeuUsuario>\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\cvBlobsLib\x64\Release You will find the cvBlobsLib.lib library with 11,554 KB.

You can download the result here:

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