Filtrar Foreign Key


Viewed 129 times


Good afternoon...I’m trying to make a filter through Foreignkey, return only items that are not included in the registry of allocations, I’m using Select2...but I can’t filter...

I have 3 models: class, class and Allocate

want to make allocations from them, and in pop up, I just want to appear items that have not been allocated yet

model allocation

class Alocar(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
    data = models.DateField('Data', auto_now=True, blank=True)
    turma = models.ForeignKey(Turma, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
    sala = models.ForeignKey(Sala, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
    criada = models.DateTimeField('Criada', auto_now_add=True)
    alterada = models.DateTimeField('Alterada', auto_now=True)

model class

class Turma(models.Model):
    turma = models.CharField('Código', max_length=8, unique=True)
    curso = models.CharField('Curso', null=False, max_length=50)
    periodo = models.CharField('Periodo', null=False, max_length=50)
    disciplina = models.CharField('Disciplina', max_length=50)
    qtdalunos = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField('Qtd')
    professor = models.CharField('Professor', max_length=50)
    alocada = models.BooleanField('Alocada', default=False)
    internet = models.BooleanField('Internet', default=False)
    projetor = models.BooleanField('Projetor', default=False)
    computador = models.BooleanField('Computador', default=False)
    criada = models.DateTimeField('Criada', auto_now_add=True)
    alterada = models.DateTimeField('Alterada', auto_now=True)

model room

class Sala(models.Model):
    bloco = models.ForeignKey(Bloco, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
    sala = models.CharField('Sala', max_length=50, unique=True, help_text="Descrição")
    capmaxima = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField('Cap. Máxima:')
    disponivel = models.BooleanField('Disponivel', default=True)
    internet = models.BooleanField('Internet', default=False)
    projetor = models.BooleanField('Projetor', default=True)
    computador = models.BooleanField('Computador', default=False)
    criada = models.DateTimeField('Criada', auto_now_add=True)
    alterada = models.DateTimeField('Alterada ', auto_now=True)


from django_select2 import forms as s2forms
import select2.fields
import select2.models
from django_select2.forms import Select2Widget

class AddAlocForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = Alocar
        fields = ('turma','sala','dia','horario')

        widgets = {
            'turma': Select2Widget,
            'sala': Select2Widget,
            'dia': Select2Widget,
            'horario': Select2Widget,

note the pop up, the featured item, is not to appear in the list,

filter pop up

  • If the items were not registered the data describing them exist where? Maybe you should rephrase your question.

  • Thanks, buddy... I took your advice and added more code...

  • How a room is allocated?

  • @Italo Lemos Good evening...on model allocatar.. there is the foreign key, the class and the room......

1 answer


Come on First point, no need django_select2 twice, just use as the documentation recommends:

from django_select2 import forms as s2forms

and then you call the widget that way


To filter the way you want, your class field is a Modelchoicefield so you can set a queryset for them as follows within the class of their form:

class AddAlocForm(forms.ModelForm):
    turma = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Turma.objects.filter(alocada=False))

Only unallocated classes will appear in your field as an option.

Reference: Modelchoicefield


  • 1

    ....Good afternoon...even the CLASS attribute being a FOREIGNKEY in the model...I can do it this way?

  • Yes @Elvisdba any field that represents a relationship between two models it can be of type Modelchoicefield or Modelmultiplechoicefield.

  • Thank you my noble.... @Italo Lemos ...not wanting to abuse your good will.. could you help me in this other post???? ... Error rendering with Django Select2....

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