Access specific item within a Firebase Collection using angular


Viewed 221 times


I’m with an angular project and I’m using firebase cloud firestore as a database but I’m having a hard time using it because I have a collection called feed and within this collection I have several items and I need to pick only one item using its key however all the methods I tried didn’t work.

my service:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { AngularFirestore } from '@angular/fire/firestore';


export class TestService {
  constructor(private firestore: AngularFirestore) { }
  /* create_NewIcecream : Cria um novo registro na coleção especificada usando o método add */
  criar_novo_user(record) {
    return this.firestore.collection('user').add(record);
  /*read_Icecream: Chama o método snapshotChanges , que obterá registros e também será registrado para receber atualizações */
    return this.firestore.collection('user').snapshotChanges();
    return this.firestore.collection('feed').get;
  update_like(recordID,record) {
   return this.firestore.doc('feed/' + recordID).update(record);
    return this.firestore.collection('feed').snapshotChanges();


my component

import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { Publicacao } from './publi.model';
import { TestService } from 'src/app/test.service';

  selector: 'app-publi',
  templateUrl: './publi.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./publi.component.css']
export class PubliComponent implements OnInit {

  @Input() publicacao: Publicacao

  constructor(private testeService: TestService) { }


    let arrey;
    arrey = this.testeService.read_feddUser(item.token)

in that like function is where I need to read only the item with its key.

1 answer


It is possible to check some problems in the method read_feddUser.

get is a method. Therefore, it is necessary to change to get().

Although receive a parameter (key:string), it is not used. In this case you would not be able to return an item by its ID. It is necessary to change to


You return the get() from the firestore to your component and get() returns a promisse. So you need to change your component to read promisse. Something like this:

like(item) {
  let feed;
  .then(function(doc) {
    feed = doc;
  • i put the function as you showed there and it from the compilation error

  • read_feddUser(key:string){ Return firebase.firestore(). Collection('feed'). doc(key). get(); }

  • import * as firebase from firebase;?

  • ERROR in . /firebase 37:8 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (37:8) You may need an appropriate Loader to Handle this file type, Currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See | }) | console.log(this.publicacoes) > } | |

  • in your case should be this.firestore.collection('feed').doc(key).get(); corrected in response.

  • worked @jvl?

  • thus putting the error actually some of the service but error in the component in the function then


  • @jvl check how it is in the documentation, this link above

  • but doing like this error also because it says that get is not a function and then is also not a function.

  • Return this.firestore.Collection('feed'). doc(key). get(); if I leave my service function so and the Component function so Let feed ; feed = this.testeService.read_feddUser(item.token) console.log(feed) it returns me an observable as I manage to access the properties in that observable in the course I did I understood almost nothing of Observable

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