Function returning Undefined javascript


Viewed 64 times


I have been trying to return a function where it tests if the programmer has the css skill; the skills are saved inside an array, but in return always the result is Undefined. can help me?

const usuarios = [
        nome: 'Carlos',
        tecnologia:['Javascript','css' ]

        nome: 'leo',


for(let i=0;i<usuarios.length;i++)
    console.log(`Usuario com sua tecnologia ${usuarios[i].nome} ${usuarios[i].tecnologia}`)
function testacss(usuarios)
for(let i=0; i< usuarios.length; i++)

      if(usuarios.tecnologia[i] == 'css')

        return true
      else {

        return false


for(let i =0; i< usuarios.length; i++)
    const usuariostrabalhacomcss = testacss(usuarios[i])

        console.log(`O usuario ${usuarios[i].nome} trabalha com css`)

  • Just change the function testacss() for function testacss(usuarios) { return usuarios.tecnologia.includes('css');}

1 answer


The function testacss receives as parameter a user and you need to look for the value 'css' on the property tecnologia of that user received, but you loop the user directly:

for(let i=0; i< usuarios.length; i++)

Fix this part, working with the property tecnologia user received in the parameter:

for(let i=0; i< usuarios.tecnologia.length; i++)

After this correction, note that it will always be returned false, because its function returns false where the first check is not equal to 'css':

if(usuarios.tecnologia[i] == 'css')

    return true
else {

    return false

What can be done here, is returns true if it is equal to 'css' and returns false after the end of the loop:

for(let i=0; i< usuarios.tecnologia.length; i++) { 
    if(usuarios.tecnologia[i] == 'css') {
        return true;

return false;

With this, your final code will be more or less as follows:

const usuarios = [
        nome: 'Carlos',
        tecnologia:['Javascript','css' ]

        nome: 'leo',

for(let i=0;i<usuarios.length;i++) {
    console.log(`Usuario com sua tecnologia ${usuarios[i].nome} ${usuarios[i].tecnologia}`);

function testacss(usuarios) {
    for(let i=0; i< usuarios.tecnologia.length; i++) { 
        if(usuarios.tecnologia[i] == 'css') {
            return true;

    return false;

for(let i =0; i< usuarios.length; i++) {
    const usuariostrabalhacomcss = testacss(usuarios[i]);

        console.log(`O usuario ${usuarios[i].nome} trabalha com css`)

Finally, if you want to search for a value in a JS array, it is very practical to use for example the method includes, see an example:

const usuarios = [
        nome: 'Carlos',
        tecnologia:['Javascript','css' ]

        nome: 'leo',

console.log( usuarios[0].tecnologia.includes('css') );

console.log( usuarios[1].tecnologia.includes('css') );


  • Daniel fantastic. It worked super well. Thanks brother

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