I’m using this code to plot age pyramids:
p_etarias <- read.csv(file "C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\DemandasCEInfo\\20200327_CNSAÚDE\\Piramides\\R\\p_etarias.csv", sep = ";",dec = ",", header = TRUE)
piramide1 <- par(mar=pyramid.plot(xy.pop,xx.pop,labels=agelabels,
main=" Pirâmide Etária de Anhanguera",lxcol=mcol,rxcol=fcol,
gap=1,show.values=FALSE, top.labels = c("Masc", "Idade", "Fem"),
ndig = 5, ))
What I want to do is create a function that runs this code for all the columns in my database. I wonder if it is possible for me to program this code to run in all columns by changing only the name that is there in the main argument of the pyramid_plot function, filling the pyramids and saving them. Or do I have to manually change the column number when I set the parameters xy.pop and xx.pop? There are 96 administrative districts and I want to make an age pyramid for all of them.
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– Carlos Eduardo Lagosta