Can’t find the class that is in the same folder when trying to create a new object


Viewed 38 times


Error give on line 13 of index.php when I try to create a new object "$c = new controleremoto" says the class doesn’t exist.

I’m new to programming and I’ve tried everything, changed folder, I’ve googled the error and in several results I couldn’t find the answer. If anyone can help me I thank you from my heart.

This error appears when I access index.php

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'controleremoto' not found in /opt/lampp/htdocs/edubr/index.php:13 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /opt/lampp/htdocs/edubr/index.php on line 13

If you need more information I’m at your disposal I think I put it all here. I’m starting now please be patient.

php controller.

interface controlador {
    public  function ligar();
    public  function desligar();
    public  function abrimenu();
    public  function fechamenu();
    public  function maisvolume();
    public  function menosvolume();
    public  function ligarmudo();
    public  function desligarmudo();
    public  function play();
    public  function pause();

Remote Control.php

require_once 'controlado.php';

class controleremoto implements controlador  {
// atributos
private $volume;
private $ligado;
private $tocando;

// metodos especiais
function __construct() {
    $this->volume = 50;
    $this->ligado = false;
    $this->tocando = false;

}// gets
function getvolume() {
    return $this->volume;
function getligado() {
    return $this->ligado;
function gettocando() {
    return $this->tocando;
}// settes
function setvolume($volume) {
    $this->volume = $volume;
function setligado($ligado) {
    $this->ligado = $ligado;
function settocando($tocando) {
    $this->tocando = $tocando;

}// metodos abstrados
public function abrimenu() {
    echo "<br> Estar ligado?:" . ($this->getligado() ? "sim":"não");
    echo "<br está tocando?:" . ($this->gettocando()?"sim":"não");
    echo "<br> volume:" . $this->getvolume();
    for ($i=0; $i <= $this->getvolume(); $i+=10) {
        echo "i";
    echo "<br>";
public function fechamenu() {
    echo "<br>fechando muenu..";
public function desligar() {
public function ligar() {
public function maisvolume() {
    if ($this->getligado()) {
        $this->setvolume ($this->getvolume() + 5);
public function menosvolume() {
    if ($this->getligado()) {
        $this->setligado($this->getvolume() - 5);
public function ligarmudo() {
    if ($this->getligado() && $this->getvolume() >0) {
public function desligarmudo() {
    if ($this->getligado() && $this->getvolume() ==0) {
public function play() {
    if ($this->getligado() && ! ($this->gettocando())) {
public function pause() {
    if ($this->getligado() && $this->gettocando()) {



index php.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>curso em video</title>
<h1> projeto controle remoto </h1>

require_once 'controlador.php';
$c = new controleremoto();



1 answer


Your code is with some errors, which is normal for those who are starting.

First, the require is a function, so it needs to be invoked require_once('file.php');

In the archive controleremoto.php, right in the first line, one letter is missing 'r' no require.

Your code:

require_once 'controlado.php';

As you informed your flame interface file php controller., soon:


In his file index php. you need to call the file where the class is, instead of calling the file with the interfaces, then on line 12 of your index.php you exchange the line for:

require_once('controleremoto.php'); *//ou o nome do arquivo como você salvou, lembrando que não pode haver espaços*
  • 1

    It worked well! Thank you Oberto I’m still finishing the course of Opoo and I hadn’t learned that. about the missing r was more than 06 hours trying to make it work and nothing. thank you very much...

  • How great it worked! Good studies for you!

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