I’m trying to create a login with google plus in Ionic 4 on android platform, but is always coming back an error [10], which according to the google documentation, is a configuration error, but I did not find where I am missing.
What I’ve done so far:
- I created the project on firebase and added an android project.
- I enabled Google Authentication on firebase console
- I added a SHA-1 fingerprint to the firebase console, created by the terminal (linux).
login code on Ionic
async doGoogleLogin(){
'scopes': '',
'webClientId': 'meuWebClientId.apps.googleusercontent.com',
'offline': true
.then(user =>{
}, err =>{
this.presentAlert("Error Console", err);
Every time I try to log in, it returns a '10' error, but I haven’t figured out what’s missing yet.