Pull output from mysqli_query using php


Viewed 180 times


I’m trying to organize a ranking with some data from my DB in Mysql. I need to collect the data displayed in Query but does not come at all.

See the image of the query with the data.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Where I’m trying to enter the data, in the level and Lider case (player_name)

My php SELECT:

// Player Top Guilds (guilds.php)

        $cron_p7 = '<?PHP $guilds = array(';

        $total7 = 0;

        if ($cron_7=mysqli_query(server_player(), "SELECT guild.name, guild.level, guild.ladder_point, player.name AS player_name, player_index.empire AS guild_empire FROM guild LEFT JOIN player ON player.id = guild.master LEFT JOIN player_index ON player_index.id=player.account_id ORDER BY guild.ladder_point DESC, guild.name ASC;"))

            while ($cron_r7=mysqli_fetch_object($cron_7)){


                $empr = ($cron_r7->guild_empire)?$cron_r7->guild_empire:1;

                $cron_p7 .= ' '.$total7.' => ["'.$cron_r7->name.'", '.$empr.', '.$cron_r7->ladder_point.'],';


        $cron_p7 .= ');';

        $cron_f7 = fopen(s('cron')."guilds.php", "w");

        fwrite($cron_f7, $cron_p7);


        echo "Cron Ejecutado <b>guilds.php</b>...<br>\n";

My php with the results:

<?PHP $start_count += 10; } ?>
    <table id="full_ranking_table">
        <tr class="full_ranking_table_titles_row">
            <td class="full_ranking_table_title_position">#</td>
            <td class="full_ranking_table_title_name"><?=l(52);?></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_table_title_name_lider">Level</td>
            <td class="full_ranking_table_title_name_lider">Lider</td>
            <td class="full_ranking_table_title_kingdom"><?=l(53);?></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_table_title_points"><?=l(57);?></td>
<?PHP for($i = $start + 1; $i <= $stop; $i++){ ?>
        <tr class="full_ranking_table_row <?=($i == GPage(4))?"highlighted_playername":"";?>">
            <td id="p<?=$i;?>" class="full_ranking_rank <?=($i>5)?"":"top_rank";?>"><?=($i>5)?$i:"";?></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_playername"><?=$guilds[$i][0];?></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_playername"><?=$guilds[$i][1]?></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_playername"><?=$guilds[$i][1]?></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_<?=$guilds[$i][1]?>_kingdom"></td>
            <td class="full_ranking_points"><?=$guilds[$i][2]?></td>
<?PHP } ?>

See the example of the ranking:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Obs: this <?=$guilds[$i][1]?> in the field that should contain the column id because I can’t get to the correct ID, and I put it as an example. I’ve tried using a print_r($guilds) to try to locate the information and not pull the data.

  • At first you do $cron_p7 = '<?PHP $guilds = array('; and soon after you overwrite $cron_p7 with if ($cron_7=mysqli_query(... and continues to overwrite $cron_p7 in while ($cron_r7=mysqli_fetch_object($cron_7) you have to create own variables to receive these objects.

  • Thanks a lot for the tip I got :) $cron_p7 .= ' '.$total7. ' => ["'. $cron_r7->name. '", '.$Empr. ', '.$cron_r7->ladder_point. ', "'. $cron_r7->player_name. '", "'. $cron_r7->level.'"],';

1 answer


As Augusto guided me it was enough a new field in the variable where I was erring.

Correct would be:

$cron_p7 .= ' '.$total7.' => ["'.$cron_r7->name.'", '.$empr.', '.$cron_r7->ladder_point.', "'.$cron_r7->player_name.'", "'.$cron_r7->level.'"],';

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