SHA1 generation - Another way to do it?


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All tutorials point to a single path, when generating the SHA1 or MD5 sequence to be used in Google Console, in order to get the Key API to be put in the manifest.xml file.

I mean, they say go to the prompt command and enter that long sequence of

keytool  -list -alias [apelido] -keystore [nome do arquivo keystore] -keypass [senha]

that will return MD5 or SHA1, depending on whether you use -v or not as another key in the above command.

However, I noticed that the SHA1 generated by the command is the same one that is obtained when APK is generated, through the Eclipse menu action (Export, project, key, apk name). The last window, when Eclipse compiles the application displays the same characters.

My question: instead of typing through the Windows dos prompt, it’s no longer practical to compile the application, copy the SHA1, take it to Google Console, paste it in with the application package, take the generated Key API, back to the application and edit the manifest.xml tag and recompile to enforce map usage?

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  • Dear Piovezan, I walk so stunned in this programming with Android, because I am self-taught, that I am confusing the posts.

  • Dear bigown, I stop doing things even for my own benefit because I ignore (sometimes I can’t understand the various awards, advantages, disadvantages - it’s a lot!) and I still have time to update. I am running against the clock. You commented for me to put the solution as an answer and accept, I did not quite understand what you meant.

1 answer


You can generate the key by eclipse by going to the menu bar and:

Window(window)->Preferences(preferences)->Android->Build and Voce will see a field filled with SHA1 key.

Look at the picture:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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