How do I step by parameter in "literal template" the name of a specific property of an object in Javascript?


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My question is this: I intend to eliminate a specific object through a property tech which I defined, which stores the technology as I add through an HTML form.

I created an empty array const myArray = [] that adds the objects.

In the code line below add to the array the object with the properties tech and Exp.

myArray.push({tech: technology, exp: experience});

In the code line below I am trying to pass parameter in literal template ${technology} the name of my technology for a function called popUpDelete().

buttonDelete.innerHTML = '<button id="btn-removeInfo" onclick="popUpDelete(`${technology}`);" type="submit">Delete</button>';

In the function below I get my literal template ${technology} that has been passed by parameter and step again that same parameter for the function btnRemoveInfo(technology).

function popUpDelete(technology){
  let idDelete = document.getElementById('pop-up-container');
    idDelete.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
      if( == 'btn-delete'){
      }else if ( == 'btn-cancel'){
      }else if( == 'close' || == idDelete){

Only when this parameter reaches this function btnRemoveInfo(technology) is that I intend to eliminate the object that contains the specific name that I want to eliminate.

function btnRemoveInfo(technology){
  let indexDoObjeto;
  myArray.forEach((technology, index) => {
    if( === technology){
      indexDoObjeto = index;
      roles.splice(indexDoObjeto, 1);

The problem is that by going through literal template my technology he will take over: [Object Htmlinputelement]

  • Where you assign the variable value technology? Could you add this excerpt to your question?

  • And another thing, in function btnRemoveInfo, you have defined the parameter of Arrow Function (in the .forEach()) with the same name as the function parameter, i.e., technology, causing one to replace the value of the other.

  • The technology variable is the name of my object tech property {tech: technology, exp: experience}. That is to say, technology keeps the name I add to the input in the form.How do I get that name? For example I write in the HTML input and what I want is this name. But when I do a console.log() it will return [Object Htmlinputelement]

  • tried to pass the parameter without the template string ${...} ?

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