.NET Core MVC with jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu


Viewed 30 times


I am using the jQuery vertical accordion menu from the following template: https://templatemag.com/demo/Dashio/ However, the operation does not work as in it. Clicking on a menu

<li> <a asp-area="" asp-controller="PaymentMethods" asp-action="Index"> List </a> </li>

It does not remain open and does not change the link class to indicate that it was clicked. Can anyone tell me why?

  • inform the code snippet jQuery that you are using

1 answer


Follow the passage:

$(function() {
    eventType: 'click',
    autoClose: true,
    saveState: true,
    disableLink: true,
    speed: 'slow',
    showCount: false,
    autoExpand: true,
    //        cookie: 'dcjq-accordion-1',
    classExpand: 'dcjq-current-parent'

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