How to take an array within another array using python


Viewed 408 times


I am trying to pick up an array of coordinates within another array in JSON document format, but am having difficulties.

This is the JSON document I’m using

  "bairro": "Vila Mariana",
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "color": "red"
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [
        "type": "Polygon"  

My main problem is I’m trying to get the first list, but I can only get both. My application uses Mongodb I’m trying to use their query language to search for it.

That’s the part of the code I’m trying to search:

busca_bairro = bairros.find_one({'bairro': bairro}, {'_id': 0})

        busca_on_circulo = [[lon, lat], 3.10686 / 3963.2]
        busca_no_bairro = busca_bairro['features'][0]['geometry']

        busca_resaturante = restaurantes.find({'location': {
            '$geoWithin': {'$centerSphere': busca_on_circulo,'$geometry': busca_no_bairro}}, 'tipo': {'$all': texto}})

1 answer


Hello, Andy! I solved your problem as follows, I don’t know if it’s exactly what you would like, but maybe it will give you some important insights.

Initially, I used python’s lib json to load and process the data. Then I used her load method to load the data

import json
raw_dados = open("dados.json","r")    
dados = json.load(raw_dados)

Note that if you use the "type" function in the variable data, it will return that it is a dictionary, so we must search in the key/value format

Analyzing the JSON, I was able to observe that the coordinates are within a list, whose key is "Features", so I extracted this list

features = dados["features"]

Now, if you print Features, you will see that it is not in the dictionary format, but in a list. To take it out, just select the only element inside it

features = features[0]

Now yes, Features is a dictionary! Just now return the coordinates

geometria = features["geometry"]
coordenadas = geometria["coordinates"]

Your coordinates will be in the variable of the same name.

If you want to give an optimized, you can also do as follows:

dados = json.load(dados_raw)
coordenadas = dados["features"][0]["geometry"]['coordinates']

Notice that I just pieced together the whole search into just one variable

I recommend that you read the python JSON function. It will be very useful for you in several cases! I hope I’ve helped you, anything, just call!

Documentation of lib:

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