Turn a sentence into a list of letters of each word and then calculate the sum of the alphabetic numbers of those letters


Viewed 173 times


I need to turn a sentence into a list of letters of each word and then calculate the sum of the alphabetic numbers of those letters.

Ex: "Joao da silva pinto"

nome=input('Digite seu nome completo: ').upper().split()

while x<len(nome):

##nome ficou: [['J', 'O', 'A', 'O'], ['D', 'A'], ['S', 'I', 'L', 'V', 'A'], ['P', 'I', 'N', 'T', 'O']]

With the following function I get a list (test) alphabetical number of each letter:

for i in nome:
    for j in i:

## ficou assim teste= [10, 15, 1, 15, 4, 1, 19, 9, 12, 22, 1, 16, 9, 14, 20, 15]

The problem is that I wanted a nested list where each number set was in the index corresponding to the surname, so:

##teste= [[10,15,1,15],[4,1],[19,9,12,22,1],[16,9,14,20,15]]
  • Interesting question.

2 answers


You don’t need to create the list with the letters and then turn them into numbers. You can do this whole transformation at once:

nome = "joao da silva pinto".upper()

lista = []
a = ord("A")
for s in nome.split():
    lista.append([ord(c) - a + 1 for c in s])

print(lista) # [[10, 15, 1, 15], [4, 1], [19, 9, 12, 22, 1], [16, 9, 14, 20, 15]]

I do the split of the name, and for each part of the same I create a sub-list corresponding to the values of that part.

Then add this sub-list of values in the results list.

If you want, you can change the loop above by a comprehensilist on, much more succinct and pythonic:

lista = [
    [ ord(c) - a + 1 for c in s ]
    for s in nome.split()

Note: the expression ord(c) - a + 1 for c in list(s) is also a comprehensilist on, is much more succinct than making another for within the for more external. But obviously you can do so too:

lista = []
for s in nome.split():
    sublista = []
    for c in s:
        sublista.append(ord(c) - a + 1)

You said you wanted to calculate the sum of each sub-list. In this case, instead of creating the sub-lists, just use sum to add up the values:

lista = [
    sum(ord(c) - a + 1 for c in s)
    for s in nome.split()

print(lista) # [41, 5, 63, 74]

Or, if you don’t want to use the comprehensilist on to build the list:

lista = []
for s in nome.split():
    lista.append(sum(ord(c) - a + 1 for c in s))

And of course you could also do the sums manually:

lista = []
for s in nome.split():
    soma = 0
    for c in s:
        soma += ord(c) - a + 1

If want to transform the list of letters in their respective numbers, there would be so:

# pode usar seu código mesmo para gerar esta lista de letras
letras = [['J', 'O', 'A', 'O'], ['D', 'A'], ['S', 'I', 'L', 'V', 'A'], ['P', 'I', 'N', 'T', 'O']]
numeros = []
for sublista in letras:
    n = []
    for c in sublista:
        n.append(ord(c) - a + 1)

Or, using comprehensilist on:

numeros = [ list(map(lambda c: ord(c) - a + 1, sublista)) for sublista in letras ]

Here I used map to turn each sub-list item into its number.

And if you want to calculate the sum:

numeros = []
for sublista in letras:
    soma = 0
    for c in sublista:
        soma += ord(c) - a + 1

# ou, com list comprehension
numeros = [ sum(map(lambda c: ord(c) - a + 1, sublista)) for sublista in letras ]
  • Great! Thank you!

  • 1

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I made this code and I think it worked.

nome = input('Digite seu nome completo: ').upper().split()
tudo = list()
for i in nome:
    if i != i[0]:
    for j in i:
  • Thanks, Marcelo. But it didn’t work. he repeated the first (numerical version) name in all lists

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