How to mount an XML string with SOAP?


Viewed 272 times


I don’t know how to ride STRING of XML correct way to send the parameters with xml. According to the documentation the method is called coletar() but I am not able to pass these parameters correctly, always gives Erro 500:

Documentation Here

void main() async {
      String soap = '''  

        <?xml version="1.0"?>


          <enderecoEntrega>"Av Norte 1345"</enderecoEntrega>
          <especie>"não especificado"</especie>

    </soap:Envelope> ''';

        postOTP("", soap);

        Future<String> postOTP(String _uri, String _message) async {

      HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
      HttpClientRequest request = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(_uri));
      HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
      StringBuffer _buffer = new StringBuffer();
      await for (String a in await response.transform(utf8.decoder)) {

      print("_buffer.toString: ${_buffer.toString()}");
      return _buffer.toString();
  • 1

    Have you tried a model similar to the one in here? .

1 answer


I decided as follows:

I installed a plugin in Google Chrome that helps interpret the methods embedded within the Webservice url:


Url of the webservice:

Extracted Collect() Method:

<Envelope xmlns="">
        <coletar xmlns="urn:sswinfbr.sswColeta">

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