Link in Statusbar bar Delphi 10


Viewed 68 times


I need to put a link in the status bar of the system, clicking on it will open another function that is already ready, a StatusBar has 3 panels and only 3 should open when click. I am using the event OnDrawPanel to try to format the text in link format.

Follows the code:

procedure TfAAA001.StatusBar1DrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect);
  if Panel.Index = 2 then
    StatusBar1.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlue;
    StatusBar1.Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Right, Rect.Top + 1, Panel.Text);

Thus the StatusBar not starting, someone knows how to solve.

  • You were able to carry out the tests with the answer I proposed?

1 answer


The code is correct, but to trigger the event OnDrawPanel needs to set the style property panel as psOwnerDraw.

This can be done either in design or via code.

I think of something in Create do form, something like:

StatusBar1.Panels.Items[2].Style := psOwnerDraw;

Now for the click:

  vPosicao: Tpoint;
  vPosicao := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos);

  if vPosicao.x <= StatusBar1.Panels[0].Width then
    ShowMessage('Clicou no Primeiro')
  else if vPosicao.x <= (StatusBar1.Panels[0].Width + StatusBar1.Panels[1].Width) then
    ShowMessage('Clicou no Segundo')
    ShowMessage('Clicou no Terceiro');
  • I solved it differently but it was with this concept, I used 3 events, ondraw, onclick and onmousemouve ondraw I used a code to format the specific statusbar as a link, leaving blue, and underlined. using a function similar to this one I received the position in the omousemove, that when it was the one I wanted to change the cursor to a type of link. and in onclick was the function to actually open the link.

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