How to compare two separate columns in excel and check if the data of one is inside another?


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If you could help me with this case, I’d really appreciate it. I am trying to make a column with the comparison filter between two columns of excel, returning the value that are common to the two columns. Follow a short example:

Planilha 1       Planilha 1
Coluna A         Coluna B          Função
1213             4896                -
1212             4548                -
4546             3415                -
6768             1212               1212
4578             1213                -
...              ...                ...

I’m trying cell C1:


But it’s giving the #REF error!

I would like this FUNCTION to make this filter and return me the result in Column C. Note: there are thousands of data in both columns.

  • Your matrix has only one column, when it should have at least two, and in addition you want to reference the second column (third parameter = 2). Maybe the CORRESP function can meet your needs: CORRESP(A1; B:B; 0).

  • Thanks anonymously, I managed to do it by PROCV. I was missing a small detail. I used the help of Robson Silva.

1 answer


You are specifying that the data matrix for query is just the column B, and you ask to return the index column 2 of the data matrix. However as your matrix is only the column B, this error occurs, change the column reference index number to 1


You said the data is in different spreadsheets, watch out for selecting the columns of the correct spreadsheet to get the expected result

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