I have over 5,000 lines to put as an option within a datalist. I have already managed to leave all my options in the correct format, however I did not want to leave this lot of line in my main HTML. Is there any way to put all these 5,000 options in another HTML and make a reference in my main HTML so that the datalist searches those options there in that other HTML?
In my main HTML I did so:
<datalist id="cidades">
<option value="Rio de Janeiro"></option>
<option value="Nova Iguaçu"></option>
<option value="Niterói"></option>
<option value="Belford Roxo"></option>
In my other HTML, I did so:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br" dir="ltr">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Cidades Brasileiras</title>
<datalist id="cidades">
<option value="Afonso Cláudio"></option>
<option value="Água Doce do Norte"></option>
<option value="Águia Branca"></option>
<option value="Alegre"></option>
<option value="Alfredo Chaves"></option>
<option value="Alto Rio Novo"></option>
<option value="Anchieta"></option>
<option value="Apiacá"></option>
<option value="Aracruz"></option>
<option value="Atilio Vivacqua"></option>
Is there to do this here or am I traveling too much:
<datalist URL="cidades.html#cidades">
I don’t know exactly but sometimes with ajax you can treat it
– hugocsl
Would code the options in JS or iframe suit you? Type: https://repl.it/repls/SoupyAquaCopyleft or https://repl.it/repls/BossyPowderblueOolanguage
– Daniel Mendes
I will see if these solutions meet me. Thank you very much for the reference.
– Alexandre Pacheco do Couto
It worked Daniel, thank you very much. I used the iframe solution. I just need to solve the field stylization issue, it was very distorted after incorporating iframe. But thanks for the help. Forte Abraço.
– Alexandre Pacheco do Couto