Distinguish forms within PHP


Viewed 118 times


There is a way to distinguish forms within PHP, since I want every form to be sent to the same function as it will be in charge of passing the $_GET the proper function capable of verifying the consistency of the form.

1 answer


The $_GET is not normally used with forms, but rather $_POST.

The trick to distinguish is to use an identification information of this form. In the most common case is to use a field hidden in HTML.

<input type="hidden" name="NomeDoFormulario" value="InformacaoAdicional">

Then you’ll get one $_POST["NomeDoFormulario"] that will be of value "InformacaoAdicional". Okay, you know what form it came from.

You can use other field types as well. There are those who like to use a field SUBMIT even to identify. After all you can have every push button of the application/website under a different name.

<button type="submit" name="meuForm" value="true">Enviar</button>


if (isset($_POST["meuForm"])) {
    //faz alguma coisa

I put in the Github for future reference.

It is possible to do something similar with $_GET also, just send a field in the query his.

  • That’s all I needed.

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