I am training to build a blog, I can already recover the posts via API and display the results on the screen, but I need now when you click on the item (post), its id is sent to the url, forming what you ask in the API to display the details of that item.
It’s like this...
const areaPostagens = document.querySelector('.main');
listagem().then((posts) => { // Retorno do Fetch
posts.forEach((post) => {
areaPostagens.appendChild( exibePostagem(post) );
exibePostagem = (post) => {
const article = document.createElement('article');
article.classList = 'post'
const postagem =
<a href="leitura.html/${post._id}" class="container-post">
<h2 class="titulo">${post.titulo}</h2>
<p class="paragrafo">${post.paragrafo.substr(0, 250)}...</p>
<footer class="rodape-post">
article.innerHTML = postagem
return article