IMAP does not show sender email


Viewed 71 times


I’m making a code to read emails through IMAP, only I’m finding a problem to show the sender’s email. instead of showing the email it is showing the name. already tried other functions but also did not work put the

'remetente:  '.$header->fromaddress;.

more does not work.

Would anyone know the reason for this mistake ?

below follows the example

$inbox = imap_open($hostname,$username,$password) or die('Cannot connect to Gmail: ' . imap_last_error());
$status = imap_status($inbox, "{}INBOX", SA_ALL);
if ($status) {
echo "Total Messages:   " . $status->messages    . "<br />\n";
echo "Recentes:     " .  $status->recent      . "<br />\n";
echo "Não Lidas:     " . $nlidas = $status->unseen      . "<br />\n";
echo "Proximo Id:    " . $status->uidnext     . "<br />\n";
echo "Vizualizações:" . $status->uidvalidity . "<br />\n";
} else {
echo "imap_status failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n";
echo '<hr>';

   $emails = imap_search($inbox,'ALL');
   if($emails) {
   $output = '';

    $i = 0;
    foreach($emails as $email_number) {

    $overview = imap_fetch_overview($inbox,$email_number,0);
    $message = imap_fetchbody($inbox,$email_number,"1.1");
    $header = imap_header($inbox,$email_number,"1");

    echo  'Id: '. $id = $overview[0]->uid;
    echo '<br>';
    echo 'Assunto: '. $assunto = iconv_mime_decode($overview[0]->subject);
    echo '<br>';
    echo  'De: '. $de =$overview[0]->from;
    echo '<br>';
    echo  'Para: '. $para =$overview[0]->to;
    echo '<br>';
    echo  'Data:'. $data =$overview[0]->date;
    echo '<br>';
    echo  'remetente:  '.$header->fromaddress;
    echo '<br>';

      if (++$i == 10) break;
    echo '<br>';
    echo '<br>';



inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Hello, subistitui this code:

echo  'De: '. $de =$overview[0]->from;
echo '<br>';

by this code:

echo  'De: '. $de =$overview[0]->from;
echo '['.$e->mailbox.'@'.$e->host.']';
echo '<br>';

For the $overview->from; only contains the intelligible name, not the sender’s email. If you want to check everything that each returned object has, use: print_r($objeto); or print_r($overview[0]->from); that PHP prints an array with all the properties that each object, array or variable has.

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