Pure Javascript to delete input fields


Viewed 40 times



I’m starting web studies using pure javascript in the course I’m doing. In this exercise application, I was asked to insert a button to add more input fields, as needed by the user (this is a food recipe and the ingredient and preparation fields need as many lines as needed for each recipe). Until then I managed to do it correctly. The point is that I would like it to be possible to delete the lines. I put X next to the input that when clicked should delete the line. The most I could was to delete the first one. The following lines that were generated do not accept the command. I believe that the script loads at the beginning when I have only one line and does not reload to the next lines (line of reasoning of Noob rs). Could you help me? I can’t use jquery because the course doesn’t cover it.. Thank you!


const stepRemove = document.querySelector(".remove-step")

stepRemove.addEventListener('click', function() {


<div class="item">
    <div class="input-title">Modo de preparo</div>
        <div id="steps">
            <div class="step">
                <a class="remove-step"><span class="material-icons">highlight_off</span></a>
    <button type="button" class="add-step">Adicionar novo passo</button>

Thanks for your help! Patrick

  • I know I shouldn’t do everything, but it was 10 funny minutes: https://jsbin.com/dipigov/3/edit?html,js,output

  • @balexandre share the answer and explain the code too, for sure will help

  • 1

    @balexandre thank you so much for the light. I took advantage much of your idea in solving my problem. Thanks!

1 answer


Hey there, Patrick boy! So I thought of the following solution: replace the old javascript code (because as you said it really only gets called once) for a function and add an onclick in the link.

Also, you should set a unique Id for each link, otherwise it will not work.

function removeDiv(id) {
		const stepRemove = document.getElementById(id)
<div class="step">
  <a id='id1' onclick="removeDiv(id)" class="remove-step"><span class="material-icons">highlight_off</span></a>

This way the value passed in onClick is already automatically set in the Link Id. Comment ai if it doesn’t work.

  • thank you so much for the help man. It did work. I did what you indicated to put an id in when creating. For this I used some of the idea of balexandre for this. But it worked super well. Thank you!

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