What’s the difference between debauchery and Throttle?


Viewed 87 times


I see that many people use techniques such as debauch to prevent a function from being called many times. But I also see a technique called Throttle.

Ness sense, what’s the difference between debauch and Throttle?

  • I tagged ui because I couldn’t think of any better ones. I think it’s something very commonly used in user interfaces, which made me put that tag. But it’s also not limited to that. If someone has a better tag suggestion...

1 answer


Although they have similar behaviors, the use of each will depend on the situation you find yourself in.

The Throttle is used to limit the number of times a function will be called in a time interval.

Example of UI utility: You have a data update button, which makes a Request to your server, if the user clicks several times on the button, the front can call the server several times in the same second. If on this same button, you use a Throttle with 3 seconds, in the 3 seconds after the user first click on the button (in this first it calls), the system will no longer call the server, only releasing the function to be called again after this interval.

Already the debauch, only executes a function after a certain interval without calling it. (postpones its execution).

Example of UI utility: If the same button from the previous example had been implemented with 3 seconds of mockery, the user could click update as many times as he wanted, but the system will only make a request to the server from the moment it stays 3 seconds without clicking the button after the last click.

I found this example on the Internet that gives to see well the functioning of the two: Throttle vs Debounce in the scroll of the page. In it you can notice the difference in how the function is called, and it is called when the user scrolls down the page.

OBS: Remembering that if the user tries to call a function with Throttle before the interval ends, although he prevents the function from being called, he will execute the function as soon as the interval ends, so if he uses Throttle to update his interface, it is good to keep in mind this behavior (I’ve had problems in this hasuhas part).

  • 2

    This example I find very cool also: http://demo.nimius.net/debounce_throttle/

  • 2

    A useful example for Debauchery: onChange validation of an input. If you are going to validate each time the user types, possibly there will be performance issues, the use of debounce here is a great option because it would validate only in the "intervals" of typing :)

  • @Rafaeltavares A great use case, I will definitely use in my work

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