PEP8, invalid escape Sequence, what’s wrong with the code


Viewed 111 times


I’m learning to use webscraping in Python (version 3.7).

I’m dealing with regular expressions and writing this code:

from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re

html = urlopen('')
bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
images = bsObj.findAll('img', {'src': re.compile("\.\./img/gifts/img.*\.jpg")})
for image in images:

Precisely on the following line images = bsObj.findAll('img', {'src': re.compile("\.\./img/gifts/img.*\.jpg")}) pycharm notifies me with the message 'PEP8 invalid escape Sequence'.

I would like you to help me understand and fix the possible mistake.

  • Try to format your code better to facilitate our reading, I will answer below my solution

1 answer


Just "escape" the "escapes", like this:


Or you can use the r"..." as explained in:


PS: the point . regex means any character (it is not the same [\s\S]), so only this r"../img/gifts/img.*.jpg" can fail its logic, since such things would be accepted:


And it’s probably not what you want

See that it still works:

  • Thank you, brother... The solution was very useful!

  • @Sthino_iv blz. Please mark the answer as correct. If you do not know how to read the instructions on:

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