How to use fullscreenchange in React?


Viewed 37 times


I need to perform an action when the user leaves full screen browser mode (by pressing ESC). I have verified that the event called is the fullscreenchange but I couldn’t get it to work on React.

I’m using Functional Components. Follows my implementation

useEffect(() => {
    if (videoElement) {
      document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', action, false);
      document.addEventListener('mozfullscreenchange', action, false);
      document.addEventListener('MSFullscreenChange', action, false);
      document.addEventListener('webkitfullscreenchange', action, false);
}, [videoElement]);
  • if the change is taking place videoElement, and if it is true you add the events, would these events not have to be loaded in the component creation?

  • So. I added another Istener within this condition. document.addEventListener("keydown", getKeyBoardInteration, false); this Listening is working properly, but the fullscreenchange nay.

1 answer


The element that should receive the Listening is the element that received the requestFullScreen, which in this case is not the document, but a specific element.

Adding the Listening in the element reference all works correctly.

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