Update useEffect from the navigation.goBack page?


Viewed 1,538 times


I’m developing a App in ReactNative using Expo, but I can’t update the useEffect(() => {}, []) of the previous route from navigation.goBack().


Here time the Index page.

function Index(){
  const navigation = useNavigation();
  }, []);
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Info')}>

Here comes the Info page

function Info(){
  const navigation = useNavigation();
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => navigation.goBack()}>

It happens that the moment you return to Index from the page Info the useEffect page Index does not update.

Is there any way to make these hooks upgrade?

Installed packages:

  • expo: 37.0.3,
  • expo-cli: 3.18.0,
  • @React-navigation/Native: 5.1.5,
  • Ode: v12.13.0,

2 answers


The event should be created with useEffect but, the event is the navigation component installed in the project @react-navigation/native: 5.1.5, following the example code contained in documentation:

function Profile({ navigation }) {
  React.useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
      // do something

    return unsubscribe;
  }, [navigation]);

  return <ProfileContent />;

You can configure 3 events: focus ( This event is issued when the screen comes into focus), blur ( This event is issued when the screen is blurred) and state ( This event is issued when the browser state changes) and in your case the question is the event focus.


The simple way to do this is exactly as was said by the 'Virgilio Novic'. In short, on the screen you want to return, in useEffect you write:

const [load,setLoad] = useState(true)

   //Chamada de outras funções
   navigation.addListener('focus', ()=>setLoad(!load))
},[load, navigation])

I have a load state to load the functions every time I need it. Each time 'load' changes useEffect is called. In this case, like useEffect navigation.addListener('focus',...) is being called when my screen comes back, I make it change the 'load', causing my 'useEffect' to reload all my functions.

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