How to compare numbers using PHP?


Viewed 77 times


Have $valores = [0,1,3,4,5,30] and I wanted to check if the number exists 30.

Currently use strpos()

but he also checks the 0 and the 3 and I wanted only the 30.

I’ve tried separating by commas, by quotation marks, it doesn’t work.

Is there any other way?

1 answer


If you have $valores = [0,1,3,4,5,30], you have an array, you can use the in_array:

$valores = [0,1,3,4,5,30];

$temTrinta = in_array(30, $valores, true);

if ($temTrinta) {
   echo "Tem o valor 30 no array";

You can also use the for or foreach and use a if inside, comparing each item to the desired value.

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